Back to work

I am almost done with my last week of maternity leave. This also means that our little baby boy is now six months old! He has gone from a tiny shriveled sleepy potato to a happy, babbling boy who loves to play peek-a-boo and look at books, who can sit up by himself, and eat solid foods. We adore him!

I did not have the restorative maternity leave that I had dreamed of. I am not emerging from this half year with new insights into where I want to take my career. I am not in great shape and back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I did not improve my Spanish skills. I don’t remember the last time I went out dancing. I did not hang out in coffee shops or take a single mid-day yoga class. I do not feel renewed. I feel tired.

And yet, I do feel happy and changed by the past half year. Mark and I get so much joy and satisfaction from the day-to-day labor of raising a baby, and growing together as a family. I care less about some things, and more about others. I have learned a lot.

Also, although revelations about my career path remain elusive, one thing I have learned is that I do not want to be a stay-at-home mom. Full-time childcare and homemaking is really tough! I am excited to return to my job, which I find meaningful and interesting.

I am curious and hopeful for the next phase ahead.

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